Friday, April 24

"National Scrapbook Day" is tomorrow, Saturday, April 25, 2009 8:00 AM!

Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:52 pm (PDT)
theclutterbuddies] Digest Number 1922

Hi Jamie,

Welcome to the group. It sounds like you are working in the right direction, (where I'm trying to get!) you just need to give up the regrets! Make that the first thing you pack up and get rid of!

I'm working on getting towards the minimalist clothing myself, I have not done laundry in three weeks, so that is really helping to cull the closet down to the things I really don't really don't NEED! If I keep looking at it and passing up wearing it then I shouldn't have a problem with passing it to the thrift store!

I collected a couple bags of clothing via freecycle a month or so ago, and am loving much of it (Hard to believe the pants actually fit!!!) but I'm seeing that I haven't pulled out several of the tops yet, so no lose there in setting them free.

I have had the same regrets in letting go of some stuff, however was it something you WOULD actually going to use (if you still had it) or was it just something you missed? I find if it's something I needed, clearly I found a substitue and if I simply missed it...well... oh well. Less clutter less headachs!

Better get back to work...

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