Christmas in July! at Scrapbook day! Early up and keep on running this weekend...
Yes I had to wear my Christmas shirt if for no other reason than to drive Tiffany crazy! First we have to drop of Tiffany's car for her mechanic to work on it (ohter wise he is now know as "asshole") The we had to take the interrstate to scrapping becasue they have been working on the Gilmerton Bridge a lot lately. Ashley wouldn't go in with all those "old bitty's" until we got there, so she sat in the car waiting for us! LOL.
Tiff did over ten layouts, with her picture proofs! A new record. She's getting into the swing of it with not printing her pictures, she just prints the index prints and uses them when she makes the layouts and she then decides on the size she will print for the pre made layout! We are both likiing that the last batch I had printed I had some 3x5's, they seem to be a lot easier to work with than the 4x6 so we will likely be ordering more of them in the future. Even if they do cost a little more, or we will have to get crafty with the all the programs we have and resize them on the 4x6 to same the extra cost. ...actual work involved there, but we might as well, as we also like the idea of adding the boarder as they are printed, saves time, work and money! After it's behind the sheet protector, does it matter anyway.
I finished up ten pages of my own. I think they were all from Christmas 2002. Nope, nope, I did work on a couple of the Catch 31 pages, only I didn't take the paper for the boarder so I couldn't finish that event.
Septembers event is in Hampton, and we have already paid for it, only they only give us each, four feet of we no we normally share 16 feet! ?? what are we supposed to do with just four each?
One bag we will be working on the layouts and will take the pictures to just insert into all her premade layouts and put them into the albums that day! I'm betting that day she will have a rolling cart ready to go to! Mine bearly fit's into the trunk.
It was Christmas in July so I had my little elf with me!
You have to know, even with Gizzy locked into the cage...she still got the newspaper! Princess had to of drug it over to her, then she chewed it from inside the cage...ugggg.
Pot luck at Anita's! So much fun!
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