Dan came over bright and early, because he had left in My car last night, and guess what he was pissed at me. because I wasn't falling all over myself to fall all over him i guess. I wasn't sure why he came back over on Monday night since he was just my "friend" on Sunday anyhow.
so: Dan broke up with me! AGAIN! YipEE! What Ever!
He called and made me a DR apt, chased after my BBQ and paid the doctor bill, and all this by noon!
I go to work, the boss is in, blah blah. I forgot my phone and left it in the car, like I have how many other times???...I get home, turn into Tiffany's drive way because I forgot that the BBQ was at home and not at the office as originally planned, sit chat, realize that I have plans (maybe, i have to go check fb) with Tonia to see a movie. Let the dogs out, just back into the car and head to VB. I finally think to check the phone while on Independence and find out that he had called. So what? I realized at 5:30 when I packed up to go home so I sent him a text that I had lost the phone again. anyway...I call him once I'm home, and of course he doesn't answer. He calls back to say he's bringing my Med's over. Come's in gives me the spill about the meds, then goes off on me about not having called him.
He proceds to call me a liar about not checking the messages, and leaving the phone in car. blah blah blah...Don't fucken call me a liar! You know better than that! So guess what:
Dan broke up with me! AGAIN! YipEE! What Ever!
Can he just really be gone this time...he wonder's why I don't trust him...why I didn't offer open arms on Monday....well gee...let me see, he broke up with me how many times in the past few days???? How many times just today??? least of all just this month...and after all, his words that I keep hearing is "we are not together" anyway, so how is it that he keeps breaking up with me???
That's right...I have friends now, and I'm not dependent on his sorry ass any longer!
Fuck Off Dan!
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