OK, so I get in at two thirty and Gizzy wants to go outside and play at 4:30...ugggg!
Outter Banks, North Carolina Trip~
Are we going, are we not? Are we going, are we not? FB Randy and he cancelled as he wasn't getting any sleep either, only he didn't contact Tonia. I managed to get up at 7:30, showered and almost dressed by the time Tonia showed up at 8! We figured we could go without Randy! but she calls him and talks him into going.
Meetup in Elizabeth City. He picks us up, we get over to 58? and it's bumper to bumper all the way, in both directions, only our's was moving at 45 MPH, whereas their's wasn't! Lucky us! Lucky Us! ...until we get to the left to turn and head towards Duck, Bumper to Bumper all the way to the lighthouse!
The Currituck Beach Light Station...consisting of 214 steps, yes I did make it all the way to the top...eventually...after my five minute break just before the last set of stairs. But they waited for me.
We can check that one off of the been there done that list! We stopped and had lunch and headed towards the Bodie Island Light House. Took a while but we made it.
Couldn't climb this one (note the big disappiontment in my tone!)but we got some nice pictures! We then headed back home, when we lucked out again and was going againt the vacationers who were practically stopped for the entire drive back till the Elizabeth City turn off. Never make that Trip on a Saturady. Overall a great trip!
Did I mention on the way that I saw a baby bear along the NC highway! Turned around to get a pic, but off course it was gone by then. Then I also saw a deer with her baby while headed towards Duck.
So I get home and find out I had left my phone home...like this is something I usually notice! Left it home on Friday also! Dan is irate! Tells me he met someone else and guess what: Dan, Dan broke up with me! AGAIN! YipEE! What Ever!
But he's still planning to come over in the morning and put the carpet down in the kitchen, because he's just my friend and loves me, but doesn't want to marry me...blah blah blah