Saturday, January 29

Chore List by Age

Chore List by Age

Yep, I found it at our group and am copy/pasting it.  I will see if I can find
a way to make it a file to our group.

Here is one I found on the web

Ages 2 to 3: Put toys away, fill pet's food dish, put clothes in
hamper, wipe up spills, dust, pile books or magazines, choose clothes
and dress self.

Ages 4 to 5: Above plus, make own bed, empty wastebaskets, bring in
mail or newspaper, clear table, pull weeds, use hand-held vacuum to
pick up crumbs, water flowers, unload utensils from dishwasher, wash
plastic dishes at sink, fix bowl of cereal.

Ages 6 to 7: Above plus, sort laundry, sweep floors, handle personal
hygiene, set and clear table, help make and pack lunch, weed, rake
leaves, keep bedroom tidy, pour own drinks, answer telephone.

Ages 8 to 9: Above plus, load dishwasher, put away groceries, vacuum,
help make dinner, make own snacks, wash table after meals, put away
own laundry, sew buttons, run own bath, make own breakfast, peel
vegetables, cook simple food (such as toast), mop floor, take pet for
a walk, pack own suitcase

Ages 10 and up: Above plus, unload dishwasher, fold laundry, clean
bathroom, wash windows, wash car, cook simple meal with supervision,
iron clothes, do laundry, baby-sit younger siblings (with adult in
the home), mow lawn, clean kitchen, clean oven, change bed, make
cookies or cake from box mix, plan birthday party, have neighborhood
job - such as pet care or yard work, or have a paper route.

~*~Kaleb's MamaMimi~*~

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