03 January 2009
So a little after mid-night I made plans to go across the NC border to do some freecycling, as I wasn't sleepy in a normal time. So it gave me a nice little trip across the southern end of the city. Freecycle can become expensive when you have to make Target Pit stops. Who can resist 75% off of scrapbooking stuff...just had to watch some of the Christmas items as only the blackdot items were a quarter and the reddot's were the full dollar!
So I gathered some items for next years visit of Santa & Mrs Clause to Miss Mary's foster children. I even bought little 8 page Christmas Scrapbooks to put the pictures of the individual children on Santa's Lap in; I think they will love that. I thought it only fair to Mrs Clause to help her out by stocking up on few grown up things for next year...
I have determined that I will gather my families gifts along the way this year, I have even picked up a few things already, and even have one for my MIL wrapped and tagged. I just finished wrapping my DD Birthday gift, so now everytime she comes buy she will have to look at that big purple box and droll! Every year she always asks "what did you get me?" and every year she hears the same answer "Presents" She's twenty-five now and her BD is in June, so twice a year for as long as she can remember, it's the same answer! LOL!
I bought my first two Green_Reusable Shopping Bags today, they are hardly green, white with colorful poka dots all over, when honey came home & as soon as I showed them to him the first thing he said was, "you'll never remember them unless you fold them and put them in your purse" at the same time I was folding them into their little velcoed pocket just for that purpose. He got a kick out of that one. I think I will use them as a pattern and make several more, they might even become next years Christmas Gift.
Least I forget...
Today's picture of the day..."I've Done My Hard Labor 4 The Year"
I cleaned up two piles of leaves outside in the drive way and in front of the garage door...just how long will it take before Honey Notices?
Good Day
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