Tuesday, December 1

I'm on a Merry Christmas Mission

Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 

I'm on a Merry Christmas Confetti mission and I'm in full throttle now. My little red car has turned into a Christmas billboard with Merry Christmaswritten across the back window. Yes, I've decided to trek off to work everyday on the public highways with a message that seems to offend people.

At stop lights, I even turn my music up a little louder, and to top it off, I sing along with it. Don't I know that stopping at a red light to roll my windows down only to share the joy of Christmas carols on public streets is a No-No? Don't I fear the Christmas Gestapo and those who would have me remove the written message from my car?

I'm sorry folks, but the only person I'm concerned about "offending" during this Christmas season is the Lord himself.
Christmas Nativity Scene
We've allowed the Baby Jesus to be kicked out of His lowly manger, and those offended by Christmas are still not happy.

I refuse to let this happen. I'm going to do my part to make sure Merry Christmasdoesn't become extinct. Because like it or not, if the believers in Christmas don't take a stand now, it's gone forever.

Listen folks, the Christian community has been underestimated before; we will have to show ourselves again.

I walked into a Wendy's Restaurant the other day and was rather exuberant with my Merry Christmas Confetti greeting to the manager. He didn't have much of a response and I said, "Where's your Christmas spirit?" He said, "We're not allowed to use the words
Merry Christmas when greeting customers. We can only say "Happy Holiday."

This morning I grabbed a quick breakfast at a Whataburger Restaurant. I noticed there wasn't a single decoration in the store. I asked the manager why they weren't decorated for Christmas. He told me the corporate headquarters decided not to send any decorations to any of their stores, and he didn't know why.

After I heard about all the Macy's and Federated Stores taking down their  Merry Christmas Confetti signs, the Target stores not allowing the Salvation Army to "Ring the Christmas bells," and the many incidents of children, choirs, and bands not allowed to play or sing Christmas carols, I realized it was happening right here in my own little Texas town.

How can this be? Not Texas!

We do, however, have a store, Hobby Lobby, that plays nothing but Christmas carols during the season. On Christmas Day they run a full page ad in our local newspaper. That ad is not to promote the store, but uses the entire page to tell the story of Jesus' birth. Now that's taking a stand. We need to thank them.

When I saw a news report the other evening of children being taught new words to a song we've sung for years -
"We Wish You a  Merry Christmas Confetti"
- I was saddened to hear "We Wish You a Splendid Holiday."

I know now that it's just a matter of time till the Merry Christmas greetings will be gone. Look around your town. Notice the "Holiday" greetings and not "Christmas." It's happening right before our very eyes.

Start singing the songs; go down the streets of America singing to your heart's content. Get some of those wash-off markers that these kids use to write on their car windows when they're rooting for their hometown football team. It's easy to do, and if a torrential rain washes it off, write it on there again.

We've got to get this message out.
" Go Tell It On the Mountain . . .
That Jesus Merry Christmas  Christ is Born."
Sing it, speak it, be a billboard for our Lord.

The story of this "Baby Jesus" alone has brought about more goodwill at this time of year than any other day we celebrate. How can we sit back and allow Him to be snuffed out of our lives?

Is it Jesus, or is it His followers that the "offended" don't like? What kind of revulsion galvanizes one to campaign so vehemently against the mere mention of His name, the mere singing of a carol, or the mere visual of a sign that says  Merry Christmas Confetti

I can listen to my own boss at work use some of the vilest words and follow up with, "Excuse my French." I may cringe inside at his damning of God's name, but I tolerate it. So if you don't like me wishing you a
Merry Christmas
I'll say, "Excuse my joy." You may cringe that I celebrate the birth of Jesus, but just tolerate it.

I cannot be concerned that Merry Christmas offends you. If I'm not careful, the day will come when saying I'm a Christian will offend you.

I'm offended that you're offended. How about that?

When we get to a point that we can no longer take part in a tradition we hold dear, we have no choice; we either defend that tradition or we give it up to those who say NO. That's it . . . period. So, which will it be?

I'm not giving up my  Merry Christmas Confetti joy to anyone. If I know of someone that celebrates another holiday during this time of year, I will be glad to wish them whatever holiday they want. Just tell me what it is and I'll shout it to the world and wish you a grand celebration.

Just give me Christmas. To you merchants: Stop being so hypocritical and "filling your tills" on the back of Jesus! Who do you think is the symbol of giving at this time of year? It was the wise men bringing gifts to the newborn Christ-child.

You want your coffers full, but have ordered your employees to take down all the  Merry Christmas Confetti signs. If that's the case, I'll buy gifts at a place that understands my joy.

If you're worried about offending someone, you just did. The most recent Newsweek survey shows that 82% of Americans believe that Jesus is the Son of God. So, in trying not to offend a few, you've offended many.

It's okay to jump into the Merry Christmas spirit when it fills your cash register, but let's call it something else . . . and don't stop giving . and don't stop buying. . . we'll just change the name and you'll never know the difference.

I know the difference and I'm feeling it greatly. It's hard not to be aware that townships across our country have actually banned the singing of Christmas carols because it might offend someone. And it's not just the religious songs; it's the secular ones too. No more "Jingle Bells" or "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer" because they're associated with Christmas. Boy, aren't we getting sensitive?

If we're not celebrating Christmas for the hope it gives with the birth of our Savior . . . there is no hope!

My freedom to celebrate Christmas in the tradition of the Christian religion is as much my right as it is your right to be offended by it. So what are we going to do? Did anyone hear me . . what are we going to do?

Do we defend a person's right to go forward with a time tested tradition (how about 2000 years?), or do we defend a person's right to end it all because they're offended? As long as we live in this great land and have the freedom to express ourselves and what we believe in, we will always offend someone.

If we try to make everything right for everyone, we won't have anything for anyone.

May you always have Merry Christmas Garland in your heart!

Monday, November 16

Keep it Merry Christmas

I received this through another group, some of you may be in the same group-I think it is well worth passing on-I'm definately going to be sending them a Christmas card that says "Merry Christmas!!! " 

It is time to get out your CHRISTMAS cards list!   Yes, you read this right..... CHRISTMAS cards.   This is coming early (really early) so that you can get ready to include an important address to your list. 
  Read on........ 
  Fun with the ACLU...... 
  Wanna have some fun this CHRISTMAS? 
  Send the ACLU a CHRISTMAS card this year. 
 As they are working so very hard to get rid of the CHRISTMAS part of this holiday, we should all send them a nice CHRISTIAN card to brighten up their dark, sad, little world. 
    Make sure it says "Merry CHRISTMAS" on it. 

Here's the address; just don't be rude or crude. (That's not the Christian way, you know!) 

125 Broad Street 
18th Floor 
New York, NY 10004 

Two tons of CHRISTMAS cards would freeze their operations because they wouldn't know if any were regular mail containing contributions. So spend 44 cents and tell the ACLU to leave CHRISTMAS alone. 

Also tell them that there is no such thing as a "Holiday Tree". . . . It's a CHRISTMAS Tree even in the fields! 

Pass this on to your e-mail lists. We really need to communicate with the ACLU! 
They really DESERVE us!! 

Saturday, October 10

19 August 2009 ~ Wednesday

Dr 9 / Dr 12

Chrysler @ 7
Titus, Marti, Dawn

Rained out for the movie

18 August 2009 ~ Tuesday

Movie Nite ~ Public Enemy with Johnny Deep

Real Cops in the theatre!

17 August 2009 ~ Monday

16 August 2009 ~ Sunday

15 August 2009 ~ Saturday

14 August 2009 ~ Friday

13 August 2009 ~ Thursday

12 August 2009 ~ Wednesday

Doc 9am

11 August 2009 ~ Tuesday

Doc 9

10 August 2009 ~ Monday

Meet & Greet Monday at Cracker Barrel
Carin, Dianna & Tiffany
Tony chickened out at the last minute

09 August 2009 ~ Sunday

Dan brought dinner @ eight

08 August 2009 ~ Saturday

Junk It Up Rebels at Chesapeake Library
Tiff's PM Party
Pot Luck at Jim's HRDSNSG
Adults Crash Tiff's party

07 August 2009 ~ Friday

Dinner with David @ Bravo c

06 August 2009 ~ Thursday

05 August 2009 ~ Wednesday

04 August 2009 ~ Tuesday

Card making class at Carries place

Wednesday, September 16

100 days

It's Official! 100 Days till Christmas!

"Quick! What's the first thing that comes to mind???"

Thursday, September 10



These are actual peppers from a garden.  They are called 'Peter Peppers'....... HONEST !!

 By the way, the farmer says they can grow up to 18" long! 
 Sort of brings tears to your eyes, doesn't it?


Friday, August 14

Get Togethers...

Hey All my Re-Singled HR crew,
(Gizzy included)

#1 I'm thinking about Woodchicks BBQ on Battlefield on Sunday Sept


If we can get it together, what would be the best time for you?  I need to call them and find out about their buffet hours, but the sign says $7.99, but I don't know if it runs all day yet.

Just putting out some feelers for now.

Let me know what you think.
Tania has invited herself to my place for Thanksgiving...anyone else doing the single and family-less thing?  This is one of the three days of the year that I DO KNOW HOW TO COOK!  LOL!   I posted a note on the November Calander,  given the nature of our group what do you all think of me posting it as a meetup? 
But as my meetup calander has to mesh with my paper calander...it's already posted as a note!
#3  It's time to start thinking of the CHristmas Party!  Some of us have to plan December ... like the weekend of the 12th I believe is the Portsmouth Festivals downtown and I used to go and have a good time...will post that as a meetup as it get's closer.  (The ex used to play Santa for a group of Foster kids...so I'm not sure what I will do with that this year...clearly my plan for this year had to change!)  We could still have a kids christmas party though, I'm sure I could find someone to dress in the little red velvet suit!   ...dates and times folks!
#4 YOU are all supposed to be helping here...let's plan some things,  if you want to make meetups out of the note activites let me know.  or if you want to post let me know!
#5  Kid events...only one opps make that two have bothered to RSVP no...so I'm thinking they might need to be planned a little further in advance...but nice try Tony!  ...but there's still time.  Two hours on roller skates...I think it was the mid 90's last time I did that...but I showed my duaghter a thing or two...and she didn't think I could do it.
#6  I think we should schedule birthday parties!
 9/10 Brian  9/16 ME!  10/20 Anita 11/22 Tania



Tuesday, August 11

Thursday, August 6

Dianna sent you an invitation to Meetup

You're invited to join
Re-Singled Hampton Roads
OK, my Gang! You asked for it...here it is! This is our group! Let's make it interesting and Carin, you can do all the right ups! And the rest of you can post pictures!! Let's have fun together

Re-Singled Hampton Roads

Re-Singled Hampton Roads Single, Divorced, Separated? …it's all good. We are here to support you through the tough times and to have a good time in the process. Don't just sit home alone, get...

Join the other 92 members!

Check it Out

If you're not interested, there's no need to do anything. Meetup will not keep your email address.

Questions? You can email Meetup Support at: support@meetup.com
Meetup Support, 632 Broadway, New York, NY 10012 USA

Monday, August 3

03 August 2009 ~ Monday

I had great company last night, even made it to bed by 11:30, so why am I so tired today? It's a Monday! Gotta get working on them taxes...

GoGo Gizzy set up her own facebook page today!

GoGo Gizzy Gizzy Choo ChooProfile Pictures
4 hours ago · Comment · LikeUnlike

Sunday, August 2

02 August 2009 ~ Sunday

Doggies managed to get me up about 10:30. So I climbed back in bed for another half hour or so before I gave up...just going to be a lazy Sunday. Countdown is on now to get the taxes done in the next 14 days...

01 August 2009 ~ Saturday

Finally...the jerk has come and packed up and removed the last of his belongings...anything he left behind..TFB!

Dinner at Primo's Pizza...don't bother with the rolls...they are stuffed with way too much cheese, and forget about finding what you ordered inside, my sausage was scarce and hard to find, and Kay could hardly find her spinach for all the cheese...but on the otherhad if you like cheese...this place is for you...go Tiffany!

Stopped by the craft store and picked up a new brayer then caught back up with everyone at Wanna B's. Vicki, Mike, Kay, Shane, Dorma, Tonia & Tina. We actully left early and stopped at Denny's for breakfast. I believe I was home in bed by three!

31 July 2009 ~ Friday

Major headach...off to bed early on.

30 July 2009 ~ Thursday

Work work work and the day just never seems to end...
FunnyBone Comedy club with Mike and Carin.
2/3 was great, but if we had known it was going to be as bad as it was for the "headliner" we would have left when he started...
John Morgan the Ragin' Cajun

29 July 2009 ~ Wednesday

Was supposed to go out to the beach for a Tidewater Winds concert, however we had some lightening storms so the concert was cancelled! Bummer...but I did sit home and watch TV and read the newspaper. A first in a while!

Tuesday, July 28

28 July 2009 ~ Tuesday

Nurse visit day! ick!
Hot, Hot Hot outside today.
Stayed late with Margaret
Jesse gave us fresh grown tomatoes from his garden.

I have had an entire week now and I haven't heard Dan break up with me!!!! YipEEEE!

27 July 2009 ~ Monday

Monday...late for work day! not by much though!
Eye doctor day...good to go for another year!
Early to bed day!

Stay off the computer and watch TV day!

26 July 2009 ~ Sunday

Another hectic day...I did manage to be up and on the road to Costco by 1. Picked up the buns, beer and for my self - Mike's hard lemonaid! And yes, I did actually drink them, and yes I had a drink last night also!

David, Carin, Tania, Tony, Tiffany, Howard & Anita made it to my pot luck! We had a nice relaxing visit!

At least I finally entered the kitchen and it was cleaned!

Sunday, July 26

25 July 2009 ~ Saturaday

Christmas in July! at Scrapbook day! Early up and keep on running this weekend...

Yes I had to wear my Christmas shirt if for no other reason than to drive Tiffany crazy! First we have to drop of Tiffany's car for her mechanic to work on it (ohter wise he is now know as "asshole") The we had to take the interrstate to scrapping becasue they have been working on the Gilmerton Bridge a lot lately. Ashley wouldn't go in with all those "old bitty's" until we got there, so she sat in the car waiting for us! LOL.

Tiff did over ten layouts, with her picture proofs! A new record. She's getting into the swing of it with not printing her pictures, she just prints the index prints and uses them when she makes the layouts and she then decides on the size she will print for the pre made layout! We are both likiing that the last batch I had printed I had some 3x5's, they seem to be a lot easier to work with than the 4x6 so we will likely be ordering more of them in the future. Even if they do cost a little more, or we will have to get crafty with the all the programs we have and resize them on the 4x6 to same the extra cost. ...actual work involved there, but we might as well, as we also like the idea of adding the boarder as they are printed, saves time, work and money! After it's behind the sheet protector, does it matter anyway.

I finished up ten pages of my own. I think they were all from Christmas 2002. Nope, nope, I did work on a couple of the Catch 31 pages, only I didn't take the paper for the boarder so I couldn't finish that event.

Septembers event is in Hampton, and we have already paid for it, only they only give us each, four feet of space...like we no we normally share 16 feet! ?? what are we supposed to do with just four each?

One bag each...so we will be working on the layouts and will take the pictures to just insert into all her premade layouts and put them into the albums that day! I'm betting that day she will have a rolling cart ready to go to! Mine bearly fit's into the trunk.

It was Christmas in July so I had my little elf with me!

You have to know, even with Gizzy locked into the cage...she still got the newspaper! Princess had to of drug it over to her, then she chewed it from inside the cage...ugggg.

Pot luck at Anita's! So much fun!