I'm tired. Too much to do and just can't get organized to do it all. Fixing that, by hosting a pot luck on 26 July! That gives me three weeks to get my act together!
Well, at least I now have one groups Christmas in July cards addressed! I recievd mine from Brian in NJ today. I just can't post mark mine until JULY though...so that's my excuse!
Tiffany and the new guy were supposed to get together tonight!
Monday, June 29
Sunday, June 28
28 June 2009 ~ Sunday
Sunday, fially found a copy of the movie M Drive and basiclly it sucks! I'm trying to figure out anything that was great about it and haven't found it yet...maybe I have the title wrong and this is just close, will have to look it up.
Having lunch with Beth, then meeting the group for dinner at Hilltop.
Having lunch with Beth, then meeting the group for dinner at Hilltop.
Saturday, June 27
Friday, June 26
Tiffany Lee commented on your status...
--- On Fri, 6/26/09, wrote: Subject: Fw: Tiffany Lee commented on your status... |
26 June 2009 ~ Friday
Orapax for dinner tonight...should be interesting. At least I know they have chicken on the menu. ----So I had the gyro pita and the chicken pita...skip the fries and chicken pita next time, and remember to order without lettuce!
I believe that twenty four of thirty showed up...that's a darn good turnout!
I left Gizzy loose and haven't found anything torn up yet...yet...yet...
Thanks to Andrea I am down to only six unsolved questions from last Novembers audit!
I believe that twenty four of thirty showed up...that's a darn good turnout!
I left Gizzy loose and haven't found anything torn up yet...yet...yet...
Thanks to Andrea I am down to only six unsolved questions from last Novembers audit!
25 June 2009 ~ Thursday
Just another day at work, that somehow managed to fly by. Thanks to Andrea's help I was able to make progress on moving my piles and was able to file about twelve of the twenty inches of assorted accounts! Yah! Must have been something in the air, because even Margret cleaned off her desk and re organized it, I had never seen it without all the garbage on it so it was amazing!
Strange day for Hollyweird...both Farah Fawcet and Michael Jackson died.
Day 2 for Gizzy in her cage!
Thursday, June 25
Every moment is a dot in the painting of our lives. Each dot a circle that is never-ending, surrounding the gift of creation. (Kathleen Arnason) |
If I
Wednesday, June 24
24 June 2009 ~ Wednesday
Steak for dinner tonight, just have to find the potatoes under all the roots
The yard was magically transformed while I was at work today...the neighbors are happy! No more unrully shrubs that have taken over, I do seem to have lost the bunnys and frogs that were in the front shrubs...I was just trying to be green and save the planet! That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
24 June 2009 ~ Wednesday
Steak for dinner tonight, just have to find the potatoes under all the roots
23 June 2009 ~ Tuesday
Open mic night at the library
I had time to spare as Tiff was supposed to let the dogs out, so I stopped at the thrift store insead of going to Michaels or AC Moore so I wouldn't buy anything for scrap booking. So of course I walk in the door only to find a huge bag of 60 wood stamps of assorted sizes for only $25.00. SOLD!
Then I found some Zipper Binders 4/$10. Love zippers. Not the prettiest binders but perfect for the price!
Started watching the movie Doubt, twice!...boring, will try one more time.
I had time to spare as Tiff was supposed to let the dogs out, so I stopped at the thrift store insead of going to Michaels or AC Moore so I wouldn't buy anything for scrap booking. So of course I walk in the door only to find a huge bag of 60 wood stamps of assorted sizes for only $25.00. SOLD!
Then I found some Zipper Binders 4/$10. Love zippers. Not the prettiest binders but perfect for the price!
Started watching the movie Doubt, twice!...boring, will try one more time.
Monday, June 22
22 June 2009 ~ Monday
Boss is out of town. Today is Kevin's birthday. Heard from Hamilton on Facebook.
Tiffany is supposed to be checking into her loan process.
Tiffany is supposed to be checking into her loan process.
Dianna sent you an invitation to Meetup
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Sunday, June 21
21 June 2009 ~ Sunday
Lazy day. I might have been up still at three am on Facebook with Tania, but then I went off to bed and still got up with Gizzy when the alarm went off. Watched Mama Mia and 27 dresses then took a nice little nap till about six.
Fixed a pizza and had ice cream for dinner...should have skipped that part of the day
Fixed a pizza and had ice cream for dinner...should have skipped that part of the day
20 June 2009 ~ Saturday
Date night!
Olive garden for dinner followed by the movie Hangover, hilarious, then cold stone for ice cream and home.
THen Tiffany snaged me and off we went at 12:15 to Stooges in Virginia beach.
Now I recall why have haven't been hanging out at the bars lately...uggg.
Olive garden for dinner followed by the movie Hangover, hilarious, then cold stone for ice cream and home.
THen Tiffany snaged me and off we went at 12:15 to Stooges in Virginia beach.
Now I recall why have haven't been hanging out at the bars lately...uggg.
Thursday, June 18
17 June 2009 ~ Wednesday
Went and looked at Tiffany's wantabe house today with her Realtor. So now she has to contact Dan and Chris and really get working on getting the contractor's pricing if she is serious about this project. Dave isn't thrilled with the idea.
Lynn's helping me push for the 5 + 3! It's hystericial!
Jarmar brought over her birthday present and set it up for her! That clean room didn't last very long...
Lynn's helping me push for the 5 + 3! It's hystericial!
Jarmar brought over her birthday present and set it up for her! That clean room didn't last very long...
Monday, June 15
Thursday, June 11
11 June 2009 ~ Thursday
Writters meeting this evening, must go home first to occupy Gizzy for a little while.
Wednesday, June 10
10 June 2009 ~ Wednesday
Another day...another load of work, did make some more progress at the office so that is a nice feeling.
NO GIZZY DISTRUCTION when I arrived home after work! ...making progress! Of course I pulled out about 40 toys for her to play with before I left this morning. She and Princess are playing together a lot more lately. But-she does know when to back off.
I should get back to my magazine now...
NO GIZZY DISTRUCTION when I arrived home after work! ...making progress! Of course I pulled out about 40 toys for her to play with before I left this morning. She and Princess are playing together a lot more lately. But-she does know when to back off.
I should get back to my magazine now...
Christmas Smell Good
CHRISTMAS "SMELL GOOD" 1 package pickling spice 1 package whole cloves 1 package stick cinnamon 1 jar apple juice Put in crockpot. Fill to top with water. Bring to boil, put on simmer. Source:"A Homemade Christmas" Carolina Country Cooking.com" |
Tuesday, June 9
08 June 2009 ~ Monday
Monday ~ Sucky day! Looking forward to going scrapping this evening.
Dan wants to pick up his things tonight; he should make an appointment not a demand, and check to see if I have plans first.
You flip flop on wanting a relationship and it's killing me, I can't do it anymore. But you didn't flip flop on going to spend the weekend with someone else, so I guess that says more about where you really want to be. I'm not seconds...never again. YOU made that choice now live with it. Congratulations to you...you committed to something and you followed through...big fucking mistake...but hey it's your mistake to deal with, not mine.
You justify yourself saying that it was none of my business, but you made it my business when you first told me about your little trip - the lie - and then every day when you told me you loved me and wanted to spend the rest of your life with me ---but the entire time, it was just bullshit as you had your little weekend planned to be with some one else!
And I'm supposed to believe in any way that I’m of value to you? For six years you have never trusted me, and yet you do something like this and I'm supposed to trust in you. I'm supposed to just accept that you needed this to figure out how you feel about me???? Do I look stupid? But I will tell you this; you certainly busted my bubble of the one thing that I had held onto no matter what for all these years. I no longer see myself as becoming your wife. It was one thing thinking that you were taking her to see your parents, but to know that the entire time you were telling me how much you loved me and wanted to be with me, that it was all contingent on your being with her first, and you weren’t' going to break that date - nope -- doesn't leave much for me.
It just shows that you may talk a lot of bs, about how you feel about me, but it's not true. You don't tell one person how much you love them and want to be with them the whole time having a plan to go fuck someone else. Why did you lie to me about it for all those weeks? Just to hurt me...well you did a good job. You certainly followed through on that one. You wonder why I have so little trust in you...well take a look! You lied to me about it because you knew that if I knew, then I would have had nothing to do with you and it would have been over as soon as you told me your REAL plans.
I'm so tired of hearing about how your friends don't like me...such a group of winners that you have as friends, the one that uses your girlfriend’s toothbrush, the unemployed one that steals your vehicle, and the druggies! Yep, you can count on these folks being there for you now that I'm out of the picture. Tell me hon, which of them HAS NOT come to you for a handout in the past two months?
And now after all this time, MY friends and family don't care for you either, but I never felt the need to keep repeating it to you. While I may love you deeply, I haven't been in love with you for a very long time. If only my brain could let go once my heart does, my life would be so much easier. How much longer was I supposed to wait for you to put a ring on my finger? Clearly it wasn’t important enough to you, but I will tell you this; you certainly busted my bubble of the one thing that I had held onto no matter what for all these years. I no longer see myself as becoming your wife.
Dan wants to pick up his things tonight; he should make an appointment not a demand, and check to see if I have plans first.
You flip flop on wanting a relationship and it's killing me, I can't do it anymore. But you didn't flip flop on going to spend the weekend with someone else, so I guess that says more about where you really want to be. I'm not seconds...never again. YOU made that choice now live with it. Congratulations to you...you committed to something and you followed through...big fucking mistake...but hey it's your mistake to deal with, not mine.
You justify yourself saying that it was none of my business, but you made it my business when you first told me about your little trip - the lie - and then every day when you told me you loved me and wanted to spend the rest of your life with me ---but the entire time, it was just bullshit as you had your little weekend planned to be with some one else!
And I'm supposed to believe in any way that I’m of value to you? For six years you have never trusted me, and yet you do something like this and I'm supposed to trust in you. I'm supposed to just accept that you needed this to figure out how you feel about me???? Do I look stupid? But I will tell you this; you certainly busted my bubble of the one thing that I had held onto no matter what for all these years. I no longer see myself as becoming your wife. It was one thing thinking that you were taking her to see your parents, but to know that the entire time you were telling me how much you loved me and wanted to be with me, that it was all contingent on your being with her first, and you weren’t' going to break that date - nope -- doesn't leave much for me.
It just shows that you may talk a lot of bs, about how you feel about me, but it's not true. You don't tell one person how much you love them and want to be with them the whole time having a plan to go fuck someone else. Why did you lie to me about it for all those weeks? Just to hurt me...well you did a good job. You certainly followed through on that one. You wonder why I have so little trust in you...well take a look! You lied to me about it because you knew that if I knew, then I would have had nothing to do with you and it would have been over as soon as you told me your REAL plans.
I'm so tired of hearing about how your friends don't like me...such a group of winners that you have as friends, the one that uses your girlfriend’s toothbrush, the unemployed one that steals your vehicle, and the druggies! Yep, you can count on these folks being there for you now that I'm out of the picture. Tell me hon, which of them HAS NOT come to you for a handout in the past two months?
And now after all this time, MY friends and family don't care for you either, but I never felt the need to keep repeating it to you. While I may love you deeply, I haven't been in love with you for a very long time. If only my brain could let go once my heart does, my life would be so much easier. How much longer was I supposed to wait for you to put a ring on my finger? Clearly it wasn’t important enough to you, but I will tell you this; you certainly busted my bubble of the one thing that I had held onto no matter what for all these years. I no longer see myself as becoming your wife.
Sunday, June 7
07 June 2009 ~ Sunday
Tonight I get to sleep in peace ~ this lousy relationship with Dan is finally over. No more of his lies, his jealously, his cheating and his his! You drug me down long enough. You have blamed me, rejected me, and put others before me...no more. No more not wanting to come home at night, I can look forward to coming home knowing that I won't have to pretend to be something I'm not, just so I don't hurt your feelings.
Oh, this is just to good to be true, you have just deleted yourself from my facebook page, good, save's me the trouble, as I couldn't figure out how to do it last week.
Oh, this is just to good to be true, you have just deleted yourself from my facebook page, good, save's me the trouble, as I couldn't figure out how to do it last week.
Saturday, June 6
06 June 2009 ~ Saturday
Dad and Jordan headed back to Ohio about noon.
Game meeting at 5 this evening
Game meeting at 5 this evening
05 June 2009 ~ Friday
Left work early as I was not feeling well, stopped at Costco to pick up my new glasses so I can finally SEE. Tiffany and Jordan had fun getting ready for her party, he really was hopeing to be the only guy there...
Took dad to get his chinese food about 8 last night. Seen most of numbers and I think I actully got 8 hours of sleep...don't remember the last time that happened.
Took dad to get his chinese food about 8 last night. Seen most of numbers and I think I actully got 8 hours of sleep...don't remember the last time that happened.
Thursday, June 4
04 June 2009 ~ Thursday
Wednesday, June 3
03 June 2009 ~ Wednesday
One more day! My head hurts! And my headach keeps getting bigger
Did I mention that I chopped off my hair sunday morning?
Did I mention that I chopped off my hair sunday morning?
Monday, June 1
31 May 2009 ~ Sunday
Today started with a visit to the park and the puppy dogs having a grand ole time, followed by haircuts and baths.
Tiff looking at houses to buy, lunch at Bier Garden with friends in Portsmouth, followed by an Army band concert. It turned into a great day.
Oh, and I cut off my hair!
Tiff looking at houses to buy, lunch at Bier Garden with friends in Portsmouth, followed by an Army band concert. It turned into a great day.
Oh, and I cut off my hair!
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